Monday, December 24, 2012


One upcoming show this week.  I've been added to a show in Cortland, NY @ Night Owls, 3840 US RT. 11, Cortland, NY.  A bunch of other great people are on the show, there is a facebook event page,

Things are coming together for the tour at the end of January.  Haven't had a lot of time to book the last month.  Still in need of a show in Pittsburgh on Wednesday January 30th, apparently Hot Water Music is playing that night and some people don't want to book any other shows.  I'm also looking for other artists to play with me at The Big Top Theater in New Orleans and HTGT in Baton Rouge.  If anybody has any info or would like to help me out feel free to send an email to

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Just put up a Reverb Nation site, check it out at  Early demo versions of some songs are up there as well as at 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Demo and New Recording


Thanks for stopping by!!  Check out to listen to some demos and all upcoming music that is on the way!!  Currently I have been working on a self recorded "EP." The goal is to finish this next recording and then hopefully start playing out!!